
How To Stop Birds From Pecking Window Screens

xiv Tips to Stop Cardinals Or Robins Crashing Or Attacking Your Windows

Throughout the twelvemonth we receive emails asking,

"What tin I practice to stop Cardinals and Robins from crashing into or pecking at my windows and mirrors?"

Showtime things kickoff, we need to know what is causing this behavior.

Cardinals and Robins are very territorial birds. When birds run across another of the same species in its breeding or feeding territory, it instinctively attacks the other bird.

Stop Window Strikes

Your house or cars windows act equally mirrors to the birds.

When they are close enough to see their own reflection, they translate this every bit an intruder and begin attacking or pecking at the window to chase the intruder away.

Central Attacking Motorcar Mirror

Birds Crashing or Flying into Windows

Each year, thousands of birds including Cardinals and Robins die, crashing or flight into windows.

In this case, the bird sees a refection of trees or sky and is unable to tell that the window is a solid barrier.

Nosotros as bird watchers demand to accept every measure possible to remedy this problem.

What can you do to stop birds from crashing, pecking windows?

Subtract the reflectivity of your windows:

  • Pull downward your shades: white curtains or blinds can make it difficult for birds to see their reflections.
  • Car mirrors can be covered with paper or plastic numberless and held on with safe bands, if possible, motility the car to a unlike spot.
  • Put the screens in operable windows to make them less reflective.
  • Consider soaping your windows for a couple of weeks during the nesting flavour.
  • Pause up the reflection by hanging something, placing decorative window films, or using 1-inch-wide tape or ribbon to create vertical stripes every four inches on the outside of your windows.
  • Move houseplants away from the glass and close curtains over windows and sliding drinking glass doors whenever possible.
  • Visitors Tips: One of our website visitors, James from Ontario, uses a full size 8.5 x 11 photo of a persons confront. "I've tried changing the face. I tried a male and female person face.

    I tried putting the picture on the dorsum of a chair in the room rather than on the window. All take worked.

    And so far the faces I take tried have all been in colour and they take filled the eight.5x11 page" James said. Give it a try, it may work for you.

  • Dave from Florida offers: I went outside and applied some "press-and-seal" to the window and that did the fox. It was quick, piece of cake, and can be easily removed when the bird moves on.
  • Pam from Texas offers: I have been able to go on a persistent cardinal from fighting with the windows using the metallic strips used for keeping birds out of fruit trees.
  • Create a physical barrier:

    1. Build a net frame to act as a barricade by mounting fine-mesh netting (bachelor at garden centers or hardware stores) in a rigid frame, using shelf brackets to hold the frame a couple of inches away from the window.
    2. Install indoor-outdoor blinds on the outside of your windows.
    3. Agglutinative-backed cut-out silhouettes of hawks or falcons in flying to attach to the outer surfaces of cogitating glass are sold in almost all stores catering to naturalists and birders.

      In fact, any shape will work. The non-cogitating cutout helps the birds focus on the glass and, knowing it'south there, avoid it.

    4. If you're a bird watcher and feed birds, consider moving your feeders farther away from windows.

    While these measures won't guarantee Cardinals and Robins will stop pecking and crashing into your windows, they may minimize the beliefs.

    One More Tip From Alex Sally

    Link to Pens Glass Marking Pens

    One terminal bespeak This beliefs is at its peak during the nesting season. For the most function, this behavior should subtract equally soon as the young leave the nest.

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